Illustrated with Watercolors and then brought into photoshop for final touches.

After 10 years, Rick Chandler came to me and asked me to redesign his logo for the 10 ear anniversary. Traditionally illustrated with graphite and later brought into Photoshop for final touches and texture.

The Official poster for my latest film, "Later" A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller. Illustrated with graphite pencil and minimal photoshop. Go check out the facebook page!

Poster for my short film, "Fields of Red". Illustrated with Watercolors and minimal photoshop.

Poster created for Pulp Productions. Color Pencil. Title created in Photoshop.

Graphite pencil on Illustration Board. Red elements and Title created in Photoshop.

Poster created for Rick Chandler and the Boston Film Family. Illustrated with Prisma Color Color Pencils and Minimal photoshop.

I created this poster for a film that was originally filmed in the 80s but was never released until now! Illustrated with Prismacolor Color Pencils.

Original poster art done for Deimosimine. Rendered with color pencils on Illustration board.